天津的日租界,是日本帝国主义经营的侵略中国的桥头堡。日租界当局,为了制造社会混乱,乘机扩大对中国的侵略,便收买、豢养了一小撮汉奸、地痞和武装匪徒,不穿军装,没有番号,手持武器,为非作歹,称为“便衣队” 。从1926年到1935年,日本特务机关,曾经多次驱使这伙歹徒,进行暴乱,为日本帝国主义侵略中国寻找借口。
1931年11月8日晚10时30分,也就是“九一八”事变后,日本关东军特务机关长土肥原和天津驻屯军司令官香椎浩平,再次策划天津便衣队暴乱,妄图将华北变为第二个东北。并且乘便衣队暴乱之机,护送溥仪到东北,建立伪“满洲国”。便衣队以李际春、张璧为头子,纠集2000多名爪牙,在日军支持下,从海光寺日本兵营冲出,分成几路,向华区开枪射击。先后将驻南市公安局一区六所、驻海光寺二区六所占据; 并在东马路、南关下头分途骚扰。暴乱被东北军组成的天津保安队反击,便衣队狼狈逃回日租界。至12时许,将一区六所夺回,俘获暴乱分子10余人和多支枪械。翌日,保委队又击毙暴徒3人,拘获61人,就地枪决主要分子10人,解往北平37人,其余送第二军军部。
Japanese concession in Tianjin served as the bridgetower of Japanese invasion. It recruited traitors andhooligans and built a team of fly cops with guns tocreate social chaos. From 1926 to 1935,Japanese secretservice ordered the fly cop to carry out riots and createdpretext for them invading China.
The first riot was in March,1926. Supported byJapan,Feng warlord Li Jingli`s Zhilu joint army attackedFeng Yuxiang`s army station in Tianjin. To cooperatewith Li Jinglin,the fly cop rushed out of Japaneseconcession,fired and shouted. They occupied theoffice of Zhili commander,police bureau,and parts ofHebei and Hedong. The police and soldiers in Japaneseconcession were also ready for attack.
In 1928,another riot of fly cop occurred in Tianjinsupported by Japanese Imperialism.
On November 8,1931,right after 9.18 Event,headof Secret Agency of Kwantung Army and Commanderof Japanese army in Tianjin launched another riot offly cops,aiming to turn north China into a colony asnortheast China. With support from Japanese army,LiJichun and Zhang Bi led his 2000 followers rushed outof Japanese barracks at Haiguang Temple and attackedTianjin Police Bureau,the governments of Hebei andTianjin. Tianjin Security Force of Northeast Armyfought them back to Japanese concession. At 12 o`clock,the barracked was retrieved,more than ten members ofthe flying cop was captured as well as a great deal ofguns. The next day,3 more mobs were shot dead,61were arrested. 10 chiefs were shot immediately,37 weresent to Beiping,and the rest of them were sent to secondarmy headquater.
In the evening of November 26th,1931,the flyingcop launched another riot. The Japanese army bombardedthe police office and the government buildings,and thenattacked Zhakou. In these two riots,lots of innocentresidences were killed or wounded. Over ten thousandpeople were left homeless. Factories and other businesssuffered a loss totaled over 30 million yuan.