
2023-01-03 可可诗词网-历史大事




        光绪十八年(1892),洋务派人物盛宣怀就任津海关道后,认为“自强之道,以作育人才为本。求才之道,尤宜以设学堂为先” 。于是就积极筹划,拟将学堂继续开办。事情刚有端倪,又因中日甲午战争而搁浅。
        中国在甲午战争中失败后,主张学习西方的思潮愈高。光绪二十一年(1895),盛宣怀禀请直隶总督王文韶转奏朝廷批准,于同年八月十四日 (1895年10月2日),在博文书院址(今海河中学),建立了天津北洋西学学堂。学堂分设法律、土木工程、探矿、机械等科; 以及头等学堂(本科) 、二等学堂(预科)。学制均为4年。学堂督办为盛宣怀,头等学堂总办先后为伍廷芳、王修植; 二等学堂总办为蔡绍基。聘请曾在天津自办中西学院的美国人丁家立任总教习。光绪二十二年(1896),该学堂改名天津大学堂。此学堂为中国培养高等工程技术人才第一所现代化的大学。
        西沽一带有深厚的文化积淀,又是天津的自然风景区。北洋大学紧靠北运河,西临桃花堤。再加上校舍逐年添建,设备不断充实,环境逐渐美化,是理想的学习场所。1935年,北洋大学征集到词藻华丽的校歌,歌词唱道: “花堤蔼蔼,北运滔滔,巍巍学府北洋高。悠长称历史,建设为同胞。不从纸上逞空谈,要实地把中华改造。穷学理,振科工,重试验,薄雕虫。望前驱之英华卓荦,应后起之努力追踪! 念过去之艰难缔造,愿一心一德,共扬校誉于无穷。”
        The establishment of modem schools was an importantaspect of the Westernization Movement in China.In 1887,Dertring,head of Taxation Department ofTianjin Customs,used the donations from overseasChinese and officials to build the East-West Study ofBowen College at Liangjia Garden of Dayingmenwai.However,he could not reach consensus with Zhou Fu,head of Tianjin Customs. The college could not getenough money and the newly built classrooms had to bemortaged to the bank.
        In 1892(the 18th year of Emperor Guangxu),Sheng Xuanhuai,a representative of the WesternizationMovement,was the head of Tianjin Customs. Hebelieved that "China`s way to be stronger is based onits talents. To cultivate talents,schools must be set up."Unfortunately,his efforts were hindered by the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895.
        After the failure of the war,the zeal to studyfrom the West soared up. In 1895,Sheng Xuanhuai`sapplication by Wang Wenshao,Governor-Generalof Zhili,to the Qing Government was approved. OnOctober 2,the Tianjin Beiyang School was built at theformer site of the Bowen College (the present MiddleSchool of Haihe River). Its majors included law,civilengineering,mine prospect,machinery,etc. It had4-year bachelor courses and 4-year preparatory courses.The President of the college was Sheng Xuanhuai. WuTingfang and Wang Xiuzhi were deans of the BanchelorSchool. Cai Shaoji was dean of the Preparatory School.Ding Jiali,an American and the founder of East-WestStudy,was responsible for teaching affairs. In 1896,the Beiyang School was renamed as Tianjin University,which was the first modern university trainingtechnicians and engineers in China.
        In 1900,the Allied Forces of the Eight Powersinvaded Tianjin. The Tianjin University was occupiedby the German army as a barrack. In March 23,1903,it was moved to Xigu Arsenal and changed name toBeiyang University. After the Revolution of 1911,it wasrenamed as Beiyang School and later National BeiyangUniversity.
        In 1920,the Beiyang University adjusted some ofits majors and became a technological university. Itsname was changed to Beiyang Engineering College. In1934,the Department of Machinery made the first planeengine in China under the request of the Aviation Bureau,the Military Department of Kuomintang Government.The outbreak of the July 7 Incident in 1937 impeded thefurther development of the study on plane engine.
        Being a sight spot in Tianjin,the area of Xiguwas also rich in culture. Beiyang University,whichneighbours the North Canal in its north and facestowards the Taohua (Peach Blossom) Bank in its west,was an ideal place to study with the improvement ofteaching buildings and facilities. In the year of 1935,Beiyang University nominated its school song. Thesong goes that "The flower bank is beautiful along theNorth Canal. Beiyang University ranked top among theschools. Those who focus on building China are ourcountry fellows. Theory on paper is useless. We mustbuild China strong through practice... Concentrate onexperiments and be little bookworm. We must learn fromthe backbones of the nation and catch up with them. Putall past troubles in mind. Let`s unite together and bringfame to our university."
        In 1937,Beijing and Tianjin were occupied bythe Japanese enemies. Beiyang Engineering College,Peking University,Peking Normal University andPeking Academy were moved to Shanxi and joinedtogether as Xi`an Joint University,and then changednames to the National North-West University and theNorth-West Engineering College. In 1945,the NationalBeiyang University returned to Tianjin after the successof the Anti-Japanese War. In 1950s,it became TianjinUniversity with the adjustment of national universities.Hebei Engineering College was built on the former siteof Beiyang University.


