光绪十一年 (1885)正月,李鸿章属下的总统前敌各军的提督周盛波、总统盛军的湖南提督周盛传等,禀请 “仿照西国武备书院,设立学堂” 。李鸿章批准。并命津海关道周馥操办天津武备学堂创立。由李鸿章下令,直隶提督李长乐、广东水师提督曹克忠等,从各自的营伍中,挑选弁兵送到天津武备学堂,经海关道周馥考试,录取100余名入学堂肄业; 并拟订考课奖赏章程,学习天文、舆地、格致、测绘、算化诸科。每隔三五日实习炮技、营垒诸法。学期初订1年,后来延长为2年。经费由海防项内开支。学堂开始无校舍,李鸿章与周馥等商议,暂时就在法租界水师公所安置学生。聘请德国军官李宝、崔发禄、哲宁那、博郎阃士等为教师。后来在河东唐家口柳墅行宫旧址,建了校舍。转年九月,迁到唐家口校舍。
同年五月五日 (6月17日),武备学堂创办5个月后,由周馥代李鸿章拟订了《创设武备学堂折》,力陈学堂创办经过,开学、招生情况,学制、考试,课程、教师,经费、薪水,饭食、设备,以及办学目的,是为了增强国防能力,培养军事将才,以备御侮之用。
光绪二十六年 (1900),八国联军入侵天津时,该校成为战场。留守学堂的几十名学生,坚守楼舍,顽强抵抗,最后全部壮烈牺牲。
In early 1885,Zhou Shengbo,Commander-in-Chief ofthe front line,and Zhou Shengchuan,Governor-Generalof Hunan,submitted an application to Li Hongzhangfor founding a military school in western style. Withapproval from Li Hongzhang,Zhou Fu,Head of TianjinCustoms,was responsible for founding the school.Under Li Hongzhang`s order,Li Changle,Commander-in-Chief of Zhili,and Cao Kezhong,Commander-in-Chief of Guangdong navy,selected soldiers to attendthe enrollment examinations chaired by Zhou Fu atTianjin Military School and about 100 students passedthe examinations. Zhou Fu drew out school rules anddesigned the syllabus including courses of chromate,geography,science,mapping,mathematics,etc. Inevery three to five days,the students learned the skillsof cannon firing and camping. The length of schoolingwas one year and was extended to 2 years later. Thefunds were allotted from the sea defense budget. In thebeginning,there were no schoolhouses. Li Hongzhangand Zhou Fu decided to locate the students at theNavy Office in the French Concession. Teachers wereGerman officers. Later,the schoolhouses were built atthe old site of Liushu Palace at Tangjiakou of HedongDistrict. In September 1886,the school was relocated toTangjiakou.
On June 17,five months after the operation ofTianjin Military School,Zhou Fu wrote a report of"TheAnalysis of Founding Tianjin Military School" for LiHongzhang,which described the school`s founding,opening,enrollment,education system,examinations,courses,faculty,cost,salary,dining and facilities.Italso elaborated the aim of founding the school was tostrengthen national defense and to cultivate militarytalents.
Tianjin Military School cultivated many militaryand technical talents during its 15 years` operation. Onlyin Yuan Shikai`s new army,there were more than 130graduates from the school,including President FengGuozhang,President Cao Kun,Prime Minister DuanQirui,Prime Minister Zhang Shaozeng,and Minister ofthe Army Jin Yunpeng and many commander-in-chiefs.Tianjin Military School was the first military academy inChina. It was at the cutting-edge of military techniquesin modern China.
In 1900,the Allied Forces of Eight-Power invadedTianjin and the school became one of the battle fields.Dozens of students stayed to fight hard for the schooluntil death.
同年五月五日 (6月17日),武备学堂创办5个月后,由周馥代李鸿章拟订了《创设武备学堂折》,力陈学堂创办经过,开学、招生情况,学制、考试,课程、教师,经费、薪水,饭食、设备,以及办学目的,是为了增强国防能力,培养军事将才,以备御侮之用。
光绪二十六年 (1900),八国联军入侵天津时,该校成为战场。留守学堂的几十名学生,坚守楼舍,顽强抵抗,最后全部壮烈牺牲。
In early 1885,Zhou Shengbo,Commander-in-Chief ofthe front line,and Zhou Shengchuan,Governor-Generalof Hunan,submitted an application to Li Hongzhangfor founding a military school in western style. Withapproval from Li Hongzhang,Zhou Fu,Head of TianjinCustoms,was responsible for founding the school.Under Li Hongzhang`s order,Li Changle,Commander-in-Chief of Zhili,and Cao Kezhong,Commander-in-Chief of Guangdong navy,selected soldiers to attendthe enrollment examinations chaired by Zhou Fu atTianjin Military School and about 100 students passedthe examinations. Zhou Fu drew out school rules anddesigned the syllabus including courses of chromate,geography,science,mapping,mathematics,etc. Inevery three to five days,the students learned the skillsof cannon firing and camping. The length of schoolingwas one year and was extended to 2 years later. Thefunds were allotted from the sea defense budget. In thebeginning,there were no schoolhouses. Li Hongzhangand Zhou Fu decided to locate the students at theNavy Office in the French Concession. Teachers wereGerman officers. Later,the schoolhouses were built atthe old site of Liushu Palace at Tangjiakou of HedongDistrict. In September 1886,the school was relocated toTangjiakou.
On June 17,five months after the operation ofTianjin Military School,Zhou Fu wrote a report of"TheAnalysis of Founding Tianjin Military School" for LiHongzhang,which described the school`s founding,opening,enrollment,education system,examinations,courses,faculty,cost,salary,dining and facilities.Italso elaborated the aim of founding the school was tostrengthen national defense and to cultivate militarytalents.
Tianjin Military School cultivated many militaryand technical talents during its 15 years` operation. Onlyin Yuan Shikai`s new army,there were more than 130graduates from the school,including President FengGuozhang,President Cao Kun,Prime Minister DuanQirui,Prime Minister Zhang Shaozeng,and Minister ofthe Army Jin Yunpeng and many commander-in-chiefs.Tianjin Military School was the first military academy inChina. It was at the cutting-edge of military techniquesin modern China.
In 1900,the Allied Forces of Eight-Power invadedTianjin and the school became one of the battle fields.Dozens of students stayed to fight hard for the schooluntil death.